Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] How toxic is the clutter in your life?

This month we tune into your health.

This is the final stop on our journey of the Bagua we've explored over the past 9 months. It is also the most important, the foundation for all the other parts of your life. 

There is NOTHING more important than health. When you're unwell (of body or mind) it is difficult to experience happy relationships, success at work, wealth rolling in, recognition for your strengths. 

Your health is at the center of your happiness, your well-being, your ability to shine forth your strengths. 

The interesting part is that each and every one of our homes is generally full of things that deplete our health (mental and physical), drain our energy and suck our precious time. If you've been following me for long, you can probably guess what I'm talking about... 

Listen in to my latest VLOG to hear the two specific ways you can intentionally bring more flow and energy to your health, your vitality, your ability to THRIVE. 

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] What to do about the stuck parts of your life

Each and every one of us has an area of life that feels a bit stuck. Sometimes you are in a place where you are more attuned to the feeling, sometimes life is so busy it's difficult to pay attention to how you feel

The work that I do with my clients is that work of becoming more attuned to how you feel now versus how you want to feel in your ideal existence--no holds barred... and bringing the feeling you want, into your daily life NOW. 

When part of your life is stagnating, you will see a reflection of that in your space, with an area of your home (a closet, a cabinet, a drawer, a basement, a garage) that is also stagnant, with not much energy flowing in. When you don't use a space, that's what happens. 

Thing is, most people have things in their lives that they are intentionally not using, even if they love them. 

In this Vlog, I share with you one powerful way in which you can unstick the stuck parts of your life.

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[NEW TIP SHEET] Helpful People, Community & Travel. Yes please!

Ever hear the adage, "If you want something done right, do it yourself.”?  My guess is you have. Here in the states--in this very individualistic society--self-sufficiency is seen as a virtue.

In my own journey, this cultural norm has not served me well. I spent a large part of my 20’s (and my 30’s) feeling exactly that way: if I wanted something done to my own standards, I would have to complete the task myself.

And the truth is, it left me feeling alone, with a lack of support around me. That lack of support came from my own limiting belief that no one had my back, that I couldn’t depend on anyone.

I spent frustrated days picking up after everyone, fuming at the fact that no one else seemed to care about the state of our space. Now I can look back and chuckle at how difficult I made things for myself.

Now that we have some semblance of a family routine around our things, now that we are surrounded by only the things that bring us joy (which means significantly less junk clogging the pipes, making life more difficult), now that I accept help more readily, life is easier and more enjoyable.

Now, every day when I sit down to meditate, I can feel the endless and bountiful support that is around me always. I know that help comes to me when I need it, when I accept it and allow it into my life. That feels good.

You always know if a thought is true based on how it feels.

In the ancient tradition of Feng Shui, one of the life areas defined on the Bagua Map is:

Helpful People, Community & Travel

This area has everything to do with the helpful benefactors in your life. It complements (& is related to) the Wealth & Abundance area because in the end, it is that network of people, the relationships you develop that allow abundance to come into your life (abundance of job opportunities, of gifts (monetary and otherwise), of experiences and invitations).

If you are interested in learning more about attracting helpful benefactors into your life, deepening your community and uncovering opportunities for travel, read on as I dive into the Helpful People, Community & Travel area of your life and home and how to set it up in a way that attracts what you want into your life!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

How to bring helpful people into your life

We’ve come nearly full circle around the Bagua Map, beginning with your Journey or Career in life, moving clockwise around to the Helpful People, Community and Travel--our focus this month.

We often give less attention to the Helpful People, Community & Travel area of life than the all important Wealth, Work, Relationships & Health, but it’s influence is vast and important.

Read on to learn more!


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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

Do you need to lighten up? Me too!

There is something deeply ingrained in our society, our culture, our roots (the puritans so many of us can trace our lineage back to), about what work should look like.

Nose to the grindstone. Doing your duty. Taking one for the team. Work hard to succeed.

I have worked diligently my entire adult life. I’ve raised my own standards and those of the people I’ve worked for. Now that I run my own business, I am my own boss--the CEO of my own company--and my expectations are high.  

I expect to achieve great things. I expect to help those who can benefit from what I offer. I expect to DO... all the tasks I set out to, all the things I say I will.

All of this DOING I have been so good at, overshadowed my own happiness for a stretch (and ultimately my own potential for success).

Turns out, our gifts are only accessible to us when we enjoy the journey.

When did I forget to have fun, to play? When did I learn to take life so seriously? When did I forget to CELEBRATE this life, every day?

Want to celebrate your life everyday? Read on!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar


How many tasks do you do, each and every day, simply because you’re supposed to, or you need to, even though those tasks bring up a good deal of resistance?

Be honest.

We all do. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m the kind of person who likes to get things done, to check things off my list, to feel like I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. As a human, that feels good.

However, in running my own business, I’ve learned that...

When I do things from a place of resistance, of not wanting to, but feeling like I have to, I NEVER accomplish great things.

It takes ages to make a small amount of progress.

On the other hand, when I align my productivity with my purpose, my passion, my true desires, and work from a place of inspiration, I can perform tasks so much more efficiently while enjoying the process, and... the result has more energy, more inspiration than anything that comes from a place of resistance.

So how do you come to work from an energized and aligned place of inspiration? I’ll tell you how I do it, but first I’ll give you an example from my life, of how sometimes you just have to let go of what you’d imagined, to allow what is happening right in front of you, to happen.

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[NEW TIP SHEET] How to create a space that boosts joy & productivity

Today, I share with you specific ways to boost the joy, productivity and creativity you experience in your life. 

You may not fully realize it, but all of those things: Joy... Productivity... Creativity, are intimately intertwined with how you feel about the spaces where you spend your time. 

Does your home inspire joy? Does your office create productivity? Is your organization conducive to greater creativity

The joy, creativity, productivity and children area of life is so very important.

Without joy, without creativity, without productivity, you cannot hope to accomplish your dreams. In fact, without these things, you can't even access your dreams, what you desire, what you want most in life. 

Read on as I outline the qualities of this Gua--or life area--and what colors, materials, shapes, images, objects and artwork you can use in that particular space in order to experience greater creativity, productivity and joy in your life. 

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

How to access more joy and creativity

This month, we focus on the Creativity, Joy, Productivity & Children area of your home and life.

I love this area of life. I probably say that about all 9 of the Guas (they all have so much power in their own rite), but this area, at it’s most aligned feels playful, joy-filled, focused, productive. It doesn’t get any better than that.

At it’s least aligned, this area of life can feel stuck, blocked, resistant, slow, frustrating. But that is true of any area of life that is not functioning at its full capacity.

A client (and mother of 2) once asked me, “I wonder why productivity is grouped in with children?” It’s a good question. Having children in your life can certainly make you feel a lot less productive at work!

Here’s my take:

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] What do you want in abundance in your life?

Abundance is a topic I come back to again and again: in my Feng Shui practice, in my life, with my clients. 

In my latest Vlog, I walk you through the steps to...

  • Get clear on what you want in abundance
  • Learn how to intentionally bring Abundance into your life
  • Identify where the Abundance area of YOUR home is

In doing so, we take a look at what the abundance area of YOUR home looks like and if it reflects what you really want in abundance. 

So listen in. Shift your space with intention. Expect great things. 


:) Tenaya

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[PHOTO BLOG] The opportunity that comes from unexpected situations

Sometimes things don't exactly go as planned. Let's be honest... often, things don't happen according to plan. When you allow the flow of flexibility, what does happen tends to be even better than what you originally expected. 

See how this plays out in my space (and how it may play out in your space as well) in my latest PHOTO BLOG, all about the sweet synchronicity of the unexpected. 


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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] How to attract helpful people into your life

Feng Shui is all about intentionally shifting the energy of your space, intentionally moving physical objects in order to change the energy in your life.

In today's VLOG, I share with you my first hand experience of what happens in your space when it gets stale or stagnant (it happens to the best of us!). 

I also share with you...

  • the biggest thing you can do to intentionally shift the energy of your space,
  • how to set up a high vibration space and
  • when it's best to intentionally shift the energy in your space.

This is Feng Shui boiled down to it's most basic--allowing energy and opportunity to flow into your space and life. 

So think about what stale and stagnant energies are hanging out in your space that no longer serve you? Every time you shift your space or do something differently, it creates openings for you in your life that you couldn't see before. 

Act on your intuitions. Listen in. 

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] What happens when you let go of the couch you don't love?

Today I share with you a VLOG about shifting your space and the HUGE openings this creates in your life as well as the incredible inspiration and energy you'll find in the process. 

This is a peek into what the process looks like in my space, the resistance that comes up and how ultimate trust leads you to amazing places you never dreamed possible. 

Also, why is it that couches are a magnet for energy that may no longer serve you?!

Looking for a quick shift in your life? Listen in!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

What shift are you looking for in your life?

Do you ever feel that pull to do things differently than you've done them in the past? The urge to shift your reality into a whole new level of satisfaction? 

I've had this growing urge around a shift in my business, my work-life. It's a shift I am SO excited about, and also one that I feel an incredible amount of resistance around.

"Where we resist change is exactly where we need change the most." --Steve Pavlina

This shift began to play out in my space this past week as well. Read on to hear how you can shift your space, to create and support the transition you're looking for in your life. This is intentional living at its most powerful!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

How to support your relationships with Feng Shui

Today, June 28, 2017 is my 9th wedding anniversary with my dear husband Nathan. We have been married 9 years, together 15. Meeting him--and now raising our family together--is the best thing that ever happened to me.

It’s fitting that our anniversary falls in this month of June where our focus lies squarely on Love & Relationships.

On this memorable day, I want to share with you the Relationship Gua (Area) of our space. The home that we purchased 4 years ago, has inherently good Feng Shui built into the Relationship area, which happens to be in our kitchen.

My relationship with my husband has always been rock solid, which was new for me, having experienced my share of rocky relationships before that. Our temperaments meld in a way that makes our life together easy, fun, passionate. I won’t claim that it is our kitchen that makes our relationship solid, but since we all attract exactly what we put out into the world, it makes sense that we would find a home with favorable Feng Shui in the Relationship area.

I’ll walk you through what I mean exactly when I say the space has inherently good Feng Shui built into the Relationship area. That way you take a look at your space to see if it is fully supporting your relationship.

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

{NEW TIP SHEET!} How to shift your space to support your relationships

In this month of June, we put our focus on the Loving Relationship area of your life and of your home.

This is one of my favorite areas to focus on because when you are not in sync with your partner (or desire a partner and don’t have one), it has an immense impact on the rest of your life.

I love talking about relationships in relation to Feng Shui & Design because you can you easily shift things about your space to create the harmony you desire. In doing so, you will vastly improve the experience you have in your life as a whole (it's all interconnected). 

Check out the all new Tip Sheet at the bottom specifically designed to help you improve your loving relationships!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] Do you want your morning to be stress-free?

Think about all the things you do every morning, from your bathroom routine to getting dressed, to habits you have around exercise and your state of mind. 

The closet is one place that gets less attention than it should. This is a space that you open up or walk into each and every day--generally in the morning--in order to get dressed and start your day. 

The environment around you has an immense ability to impact the course of your day.

Does your closet uplift you? Or does it bring you energy down? Do you love each and every article of clothing, or are there some that you're attached to, but never wear or feel uncomfortable in when you do put them on? 

Listen in to hear how one of my clients easily shifted her environment in order to reduce any unnecessary stress she experienced at the beginning of her day. 

You can do this too!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

[VLOG] Do you absolutely adore your clothing?

Do you absolutely adore all of your clothing? 

There are very few people who can say a resounding 'Yes!' to that question.

Think about it. Are you holding on to clothes you might wear someday (when you have a different job or lifestyle, when you lose 10 pounds)? 

When you hold on to the clothing you might wear someday, you are effectively telling your future self that you will not be supported, that what you need will not come your way--and that is the future you create for yourself.

Is that the mindset you want to have about your future? Of course not!

And yet, we all hold on to so many things for that very reason. There is a whole world of psychology around that phenomenon, that I won't get into right now (I may find it more fascinating than you do!). 

Listen in as I share with you the immense transformation that happened to me when I finally let go of the clothing (just the clothing) that I didn't love, that no longer served me. 

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

How to make your strengths shine! {Monthly Bagua Focus}

In this month of May (the last day we have left!) I share with you specific ways to be better recognized for your strengths--the things you are good at--the fame and recognition you experience in your life.

What does this have to do with your space, decluttering or designing a stress-free home? I’m so glad you asked!

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Tenaya Kolar Tenaya Kolar

How to bring on the ease and spaciousness!

I work with a lot of people who are constantly in a rush, running from one thing to the next, late nine times out of ten. There’s no time for anything new, there’s not even time to be right here, in the present. I understand that state of being because that’s what my life used to feel like too.

How we got from there to this place of ease and time for what we love, has been a journey in deliberate choices for an intentional lifestyle.

Don’t get me wrong, life is still full. My husband and I have full time careers; life with two kids is never dull; I serve on the board of my son’s school and have groups of women that I gather with regularly.

This past month, in fact, I had an experience that highlighted for me just how full life is.

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